تم إغلاق هذه الوظيفة ولم تعد تقبل الطلبات. نشكرك على اهتمامك ونشجعك على تصفح الوظائف الأخرى المتاحة.
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Access and Security Manager - Syria - Raqqa - BO-SY-SS1929 - Job application form
ننصح بقراءة طريقة التقديم بعناية و التقيد بتعليمات التقدم للوظائف و المناقصات.
Bahar Organization was formed in 2012, and is officially registered as a Syrian NGO in Turkey in 2014. Our mission is to work towards enhancing the resilience and wellbeing of communities by providing a principled and rights-based humanitarian response to overcome natural disasters and conflicts. We strive to demonstrate our values of commitment, impartiality, integrity and diversity.